Antoine is an associate focused on international arbitration, commercial and arbitration-related litigation before French courts, and public international law.
Before joining Laborde Law, Antoine worked as an associate at a French law firm specialised in international dispute settlement.
Earlier in his career, he worked for the Cour de cassation, at leading law firms in Paris and Madrid, and for a major French electric utility company.
Antoine is a member of several arbitration associations, including Young ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration), ICC YAF (Young Arbitration & ADR Forum), and ESIL (European Society for International Law). He regularly publishes articles in specialised reviews and is a member of the Editorial Board of Kluwer Arbitration Blog.
Antoine Cottin
Bar Admission
Institute of International and Development Studies and University of Geneva (LL.M in International Dispute Settlement, MIDS)
Paris X University (LL.B and LL.M in International and European Law)
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid ( LL.B )
English, French, Spanish (intermediate)
2023 Year in Review: Arbitration-Related Developments in France, with V. Osykin, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 27 January 2024
2023 Paris Arbitration Week coverage, with N. Rodriguez Alvarez and S. Nurbagandova, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 31 March - 4 April 2023
2022 in Review: Arbitration-Related Developments in France, with W. Brillat-Capello, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 7 February 2023
2021 in Review: Arbitration-Related Developments in France, with W. Brillat-Capello, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 14 February 2022
2020 in Review: Arbitration-Related Developments in France, with F. Renaux, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 31 January 2021
La difficile protection de la propriété des peuples autochtones, with N. Cardona, Alliance des Avocats pour les Droits de l'Homme, 9 August 2020
Exclusive Application of UNIDROIT Principles to Cure the Parties’ Disagreement on the Lex Contractus: A View from France, with F. Renaux, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 9 May 2020
Quel avenir pour l’arbitrage d’investissement intra-UE ?, with G. Filhol, La Semaine Juridique - Le Club des Juristes, 23 March 2020
The Arbitrator’s Duty to Investigate his or her Law Firm’s Business Ties Before and During the Arbitral Proceedings, with A. Reynaud, Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, December 2019, No. 4, p. 687
Stay of Enforcement in France: How Restrictive is the Paris Court of Appeal?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 26 November 2019
Revisiting the Dispute Requirement in International Interpretation Proceedings: Deeds, not Words, with P. Kyriakou, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 307-327
Caribbean Islands in the Mood for Arbitration, with A.-S. Gidoin, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 12 July 2017